Thursday, June 7, 2012

Environmental Sensitivity Index map of Florida

This Environmental Sensitivity Index map displays the coastal line of Florida. Florida has many sensitive environments and animals because of its coast ans its swamps.  

Topographic map of Volcano

This is a Topographic Map of a Volcano. Topographical maps  focus on the nature of the land meaning its surfaces. This volcano has many surfaces around and on top of it. I feel as it is a perfect example.

Proportional Symbols Map of United States

This is a Proportional Symbols Map of the United States, this depicts traffic fatalities in the United States by State. California has the most fatalities and Texas is next which is not too far behind. I believe California and Texas have the highest total of traffic fatalities because they have two of the highest populations and largest state by size.

Dot Density Map of Georgia

This is a Dot density map of Ga this could also be a chorpleth map as well, but as you can see there are many people located in the Atlanta and metro Atlanta areas, we can identify this because of the map key above. The population is also dense in the Augusta and Columbus areas.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Choropleth Map

I chose Africa because it has so much culture, and so many different kinds of people. Africa has many problems from Aids to Famine. Those who are mainly effected with these issues are the children and the children are our future, so if this generation of children are suffering then the next generation of children will suffer even more this issue needs to be solved.